Welcome from CEO Stephen Young

    Welcome to our web page at Clay County Hospital and Nursing Home.

    On behalf of the Administration, Staff and Physicians at Clay County Hospital and Nursing Home, we hope you will find the website informative and interesting.

    In an effort to provide more health information to the citizens of East Central Alabama, we have created this website to provide you with information about our physicians, services and general health topics.

    When Clay County Hospital opened its doors in 1951, it was where excellent healthcare would be provided for generations to come. It would be where a team of more than 54 physicians would practice and where over 282 healthcare professionals and support staff would work.

    But a hospital is more than a building of steel, lights and equipment. It is our people who answer the call daily to meet your healthcare needs.

    If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at syoung@clayhosp.org.

    God Bless,
    Stephen Young, CEO