News and Events
Clinic Open
Dr. John S. Fischer's clinic is located on 83745 Highway 9, Ashland, Alabama 36251. His office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:30am to 5:00pm. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Fischer, please call his office at 256-354-4142.Clinic Open
Dr. Scott Cassidy, Board Certified General Surgeon, has an office located in the Clay County Hospital Outpatient Center and performs surgery in the Clay County Hospital OR. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cassidy, please call 256-354-1257."The Right Care-Right at Home"
New Clinic Location
Jeffrey D. Lawler, MD, CORE Sports Medicine, sees Orthopaedic patients in the Clay County Hospital Outpatient Center. Convenient parking, patient drop off at entrance and plenty of handicapped parking spaces. Appointments for Dr. Lawler may be made by calling 256-241-4842.Don't forget to Like Us on Facebook

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